Monday, August 27, 2018

Jon Chess - TIRED Agent of Cheese!

Jon collapsed in the cheap apartment he rented in the Hooks Point, a rough neighborhood whose merchants catered to Proudmoore barracks nearby.  It was a rough neighborhood, like the occupants of the barracks, and there was no shortage of merchants willing to provide food, beer, and other diverse divertisements to the barracks' occupants.  Jon's apartment was above the Scribes & Nobles bookshop - Jon had discovered the apartment was for rent when he had gone to the store to get a copy of <A Steamy Romance: Stormy Seas>, by the author Lawrence E. Craft, who was signing copies of the novel.  Jonathan had stood in line for the autograph, and then headed into the bookstore to ask about other books for which he was looking.  There had been a sign "Room for Rent", and the idea of living in a room above a bookstore tickled Jon's fancy.  he had haggled with the owner Melissa Miller for half the day, and it was only when he offered her a rare copy of <A Steamy Romance Novel: Blue Moon>.

The neighborhood, like anywhere that provided relaxation, entertainment, and vice for the consumption of soldiers, was under the control of a criminal organization - in this instance the Scrimshaw gang.  While not often seen in the open thoroughfares, the back alleys were thick with Scrimshaw Underbosses, thugs, footpads, and Pickpockets.  They controlled the whores, the illegal drug trade, the smuggling from the Ashvane Docks, the gambling, and loansharking in the area.  Jon had used his contacts to check and they were not affiliated with the Uncrowned, a secret organization of criminals and spies.  Their leaders were known as the Shadows, and the Council of Shadows were instrumental in the fight against the Burning Legion.  The Uncrowned included members from both the Alliance and the Horde, including members from Ravenholdt, SI:7, the Defias Brotherhood, and the Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Jon and his employer, Elling Trias, were both Shadowblades, members in good standing.

Jon was exhausted from his day, which he had spent mostly in Boralus, making arrangements for supplies of Kul Tirasan cheeses to be sent to Stormwind by Kristin Stephens and Matt Fieler (they arranged to supply and then would trans-ship them to Trias Cheese in Stormwind).  Both the cheese merchants had been suspicious; they both had varied sources of the Kul Tirasan delicacies, and guarded them jealously., but eventually Jon had convinced them that Jon's interest was seeing the end product in Stormwind, not in cutting them out of their part of the arrangement.

Between arranging for shipments of cheeses to be sent back to Stormwind, and in taking orders for Trias Cheese to be delivered throughout Tirisgarde Sound, Stormshield, and Drustvar, Jon's cover story was almost exhausted.

Now... he had to find out why Her Grace Elianna had been arrested for treason...

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