Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ghost, Part II

(Written with Kaneka's player)

(This is Jon Chess' perspective. For Zane's story, see )

"I am ready now," replied Jon.  He watched with a barely concealed impatience while Kanaka made with the "white mice and pixie dust" routine, opening a teleportation portal to Dalaran. Jon stepped through, and felt his gorge rise... however convenient, his body did not like teleportation.  Kaneka joined him, and closed the portal, leaving the two of them in Dalaran.  Together, they made their way to the house of Phredaria, Jon's friend and colleague.

After quickly closing the portal, Kaneka followed Jon closely through the streets of Dalaran. She had to keep her chuckles to herself as she watched him walk wearing only the hospital gown. This was a serious mission. To be honest, she was a little excited to finally be meeting Phred. She'd heard so much about her, even stayed in her home for a spell. She would finally be able to put a face to the name.

Phredaria opened the front door, her words already streaming a mile a minute.

"Jonyou'reOKhowdidyouohshityoudidSaDaibloagainFelDAMMITJonwhydidn'tyouwaitI'mgoingto kllthatwarlockbutIamgladyouaren'tdead!" she said, taking a huge breath.

"Phred, this is Kaneka Hillyard.  She's going to help me track down Zaneryn," Jon said, omitting her role in Joh having obtained the narcotic. "I don't have anything that might help with a locator charm, though.  Maybe you and Kaneka might be able to figure something out while I go and get some clothes on?"  Without waiting for an answer, Jon headed up the stairs to his cache of supplies.

Kan blinks at the mile a minute scolding Jon got, almost glad she wasn't on the receiving end of that. She smiles at the woman, extending her hand for a shake. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Phred. I've heard so much about you."

"So [i]you[/i] are Kaneka!  Jon has often spoken about how smart you are and your talent for magery, but he didn't mention how lovely you are..." Phred enthused, looking up from her scant four feet of height. Phred had large, round, seemingly-innocent eyes the color of stolen emeralds, and wild-shirt-cropped pink hair.  She wore simple comfortable Netherweave trousers and tunic, both only a little scorched around the edges.

"Jon said you really liked my library!," the pint-sized Gnome continued.  "You must please feel free to borrow anything int eh library of the lab!  And stop by frequently - now that my professor disappeared, the Stormwind Academy seems to have lost all interest in forensics, so they stopped paying me... so I am home a lot more, now, either in my lab or my bench."

A faint touch of color covered Kaneka's cheeks as she smiles at Phred.  "Oh, I loved your library! Thank you for letting me loose in there."  She chuckled softly.  "Jon gives me more credit than I'm due."

"Are you sure you mean our Jon Chess?" Phred said, giggling.  "Jonny is not precisely a charitable sort... you should hear him when he gets on a roll - he has a tongue sharper than a Kul Tiran fishwife, so he does!"  A measured look came into Phred's eyes. "in fact... never mind. may I get you some tea?  Jon keeps my little home well-stocked... its a side benefit for his traveling far and wide on business.  And to being his oldest friend and colleague!"

"I would love a cup of tea, thank you."  Again her smile grew for the diminutive gnome woman.  "You've known him forever then, have you?"

"Oh yes," she called over her shoulder. "We first met when Jon was hired to investigate a series of murders in Theramore, and Jaina asked that I consult; she was such a bright spark, y'know, when she took my Forensics class in Dalaran.  He was so... dark-tempered then, but with a little help he caught the murderer... um... and the murderer was killed while trying to escape."  Phred put the tea kettle on the heating brazier to boil. "Lady Jaina always suspected that Jonny had let the blighter resist arrest so that Jon could kill him; he was a Kul Tiran scion of Waycrest in exile so the most Jaina could have done would to have banished him from Theramore.  Come to that, she may have been right - Jonny always felt bad when he knew someone was guilty as sin but the evidence wouldn't support a conviction., especially after... after Kes died at Theramore."

Kaneka followed Phred into the kitchen, leaning against a counter. She quirked a brow at the mention of Kes and fished through her brain to try and remember the name. She knew she'd heard it before. "Kes was Jon's......fiancé, correct?"

"Captain Kestralil was the Captain of the Blackblade, and Jon's first actual lover... I don't think they were ever engaged... well, of course, they were often engaged... in shenanigans," she said, opening a large jar of a tea mix.  She started a pot of milk to heating, and took down a glass jar of honey, setting in in a pan of water to warm. "I don't know, but I think she was Jon's commanding officer in the..." her voice lowered, as if afraid to speak the words in full voice. "...the Theremore espionage service."

Kaneka nodded her head as she watched and listened. "Espionage huh? No wonder he's so good at what he does. He's been doing it for a long time."

"...that, and what he likes to call 'taking pieces off the board'. After Theramore, he vanished completely, wearing his Rook uniform all the time. After about a year, he joined the Alliance Recon forces in Northrend.  he still won't talk about that year, but I think a lot of the Horde died."

"No problem with the Horde dying. I'm just glad he made it out alive." Kaneka slid herself onto a chair, remembering the Rook uniform that she had put on so many times in secret in her room at the Blue Raven, a little smile on her lips. Room #9 had been Jon's, and where he had kept spare leathers.

"Yeah, me too... but that was the beginning of when he started referring to the Rook as if he wasn't Jon wearing the uniform," Phred said.  "Tea is ready!"  Phred added the tea mixture to the boiling water, let it steep, and added the team, milk, and honey to the large white porcelain mugs.  She paused, and then prepared a third cup for Jon.  "So... you are going with Jon?  I'm glad - maybe he'll be more careful if it's not just himself he's risking."

Kaneka nodded. "Yes. I'm going to look after him, not the other way around. I know he isn't entirely happy about my going with him, but... I don't care."

Phred chuckled. "Good for you!"  The gnome lass looked down at her mug and said "I always wanted to be able to go with Jon on a mission, but I am... not good in the field.  I am glad he has a capable friend like you to make him behave... and good luck with that, by the way!"  Phred stood.  "Now, what can we think of for a tracking device.... usually I'd use the Law of Contagion to use something that had belonged to the Scout, but Jon doesn't appear to have anything but his memories."

Kaneka 'Hmmm'ed' into her mug of tea, thinking. "Is there anything else that you know of that ties them together? Other than his memories?" She took a sip of the tea. Oooh, it was good! "Perhaps some trinket he gave her?"

"Well, he gave her an amulet in the form of a chess piece - a rook.  It added her to his comm link," Phred said proudly.  "I did the enchantment, using a tiny shaving off Jon's anchor pendant, which is his comm link.  But Jon said that she has n't been using since her disappearance... if they took it from her, it could be anywhere, and not with her.  Of course, if she is dead, it could be on the body... maybe if we track the amulet in a chrono-progressive nature?  So if you took a tracking charm to where she disappeared, it would track where it had been, and not the current location?  That way, you could see if and where it and she parted company?  Worst case, if we recover the chess piece, we can do a second locator charm using it, as it is connected to [i]her[/i]!"

"Hmmm. Or, maybe...and I don't know if it'll work, maybe I could modify my portal to fix on the sliver of Jon's charm in her's...." She trails off as she thought.

The sounds of Jon coming back downstairs interrupted Phredaria's chain of thought, and the gnome flinched when Jon entered the kitchen.  Jon was wearing his Rook uniform, midnight blue cuir boli leather armor festooned with small pouches and concealed weapons.  The helm was heavily stylized and looked like the head of a bird of prey.  Phred had hoped that after the last incident, where a Shadow Priestess had merged the Jon Chess persona with the Rook persona, that she had seen the last of that aspect of Chess.

After the destruction of Theramore, the Rook personality had become stronger and more distinct from Jon's main identity; when Jon was in character as the Rook, he was a ruthless, unsympathetic harbinger of death and destruction, only appearing when the Alliance military gave Jon assignments that required brutal butchery.  When the Crimson Cabal had captured and tortured Jon, trying to brainwash him into becoming a Ren'dorei serial killer, the Rook had actually become its own personality, finishing the disassociation that Jon had subconsciously started to deal with those kinds of assignments.   Phred did not think that it boded well that he had chosen this set of leather armor for the search for Zaneryne.

Having been lost in thought and sipping her tea, Kan blinked back to reality when Phred flinched.  Kaneka turned her chocolate-colored gaze toward the stairs, her brow furrowed briefly. She'd never seen this particular outfit of Jon's and judging from Phred's reaction, perhaps it wasn't a good thing that she was seeing it now.  She did have the good sense to not make comment about it though.  With a quick clearing of her throat, she spoke. "Jon, Phred and I were talking about how to use your anchor charm as a kind of... beacon, to try and get a bead on where Zane's charm is at.  It could perhaps give us a starting point as to where to look. That is, unless, you have a starting point in mind?"  Kaneka took a sip of her tea, her gaze flickering between Jon and Phred.

"Well, I was going to begin at the destroyed munitions factory in Stonetalon... but tracing her medallion might cut days off, so I'm all for it," Jon said, smiling at Kaneka. "I just do the legwork, you guys are the arcane muscle!".  Jon didn't give away the thought that the medallion might be around the neck of Zane's corpse; that at least would be an end to the search.  If someone else had it, there could at least be an interrogation.

"Is that her last known whereabouts? Stonetalon? That could help with the location process." Setting her mug down on the counter, Kaneka turned to look at Phred.  "So, how should we do this?"

"Yeah, she had located the weapons lab, tracing a stolen shipment of Azurite that the Horde had stolen and was weaponizing.," Jon confirmed.  "The Sentinel in charge of the operation called us in when Zane infiltrated as a Sin'dorei - she's really good with disguises - and then went missing.  She wasn't found when we raided the place, and that is where I was injured."

Nodding, Kan slipped from her seat.  Taking a few steps away from the counter, she turned and held her hand out to Jon. "I'll need your anchor charm please." Jon removed the anchor charm, handing its mithril chain to Kaneka.

Letting the chain drape over her knuckles, Kaneka held the charm tightly in her hand.  Closing her eyes, she began to recite the complex spell. Instead of focusing on a location as per normal, she focused on the sliver of Jon's charm in Zane's amulet.  Gritting her teeth and squeezing both the charm and her eyes tightly, her chanting became more furious and garbled. Tiny beads of sweat dotted her forehead, her breathing almost labored as she continued the spell.

Jon watched, doing his best to not distract Kaneka doing the working of her spell.  Phred seemed to be watching and taking mental notes as if to want to be able to replicate Kaneka's efforts.

Kaneka's empty hand suddenly thrust out before her, the faint glowing of a portal coming together in front of her. Squeezing the charm tighter in her hand, the sharp ends of the anchor digging into her flesh, she focused her energy on the silver.  The teleportation portal seemed to flare to life, though looking at it, you couldn't tell exactly where it was leading.  "I... I think... I have it..."

Jon waited for the portal to stabilize. "Let me go first, Kaneka... just in case."  When the portal stabilized, he drew both of his envenomed daggers and stepped through the teleportation portal. Heaving a heavy sigh, Kaneka opened her eyes just at Jon stepped through the portal. Turning to give a weak smile to Phred, Kan followed suit.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Ghost, Part I

(Written with Kaneka's player)

(This is Jon Chess' perspective. For Zane's story, see )

The man named Jon Chess waiting impatiently, twitching with the effects of a double dose of Sa'Diablo. Jon had been severely injured in the mission to locate and destroy the Azeriter bomb that the Horde had been making with stolen Azerite. The scout who had gone missing during the investigation had been Jon's lover, Zaneryn Grimsky. The strike force from the Brotherhood of Valor had found and stolen the bomb, but there had been no sign of Zane. Jon had been taken to the Brotherhood's medical building, with little hope of survival.

He knew there would be a price to pay for using the drug to which he had once been actively addicted when tortured and mind-raped by the Crimson Cabal, but he had survived a cold withdrawal once, when a shadow priest had blocked the psychological addiction from his mindscape, and he had confidence that he would survive another withdrawal when his work was done.

Assuming that anyone in the Medical wing would talk to him.

By the time Kaneka returned from giving his vials of Sa'Diablo to the medical staff for analysis to help Arexzia, Jon had re-secured the closure strap on the hollow book he had used to snuggle the Sa'Diablo into his hospital room. He felt naked without his "usual bag of tricks" - his knives, his poisons, his explosives, his blinding powers, his smoke grenades, this envenomed throwing spikes, his lockpicks, and his extra concealed knives. Ironically, his actual nakedness beneath the thin hospital gown did not bother him. He felt an overwhelming need to get to Dalaran, and the backup armory in the Uncrowned's Hall of Shadows.

Then he and Kaneka could begin the search for Zane. Jon did not have much hope; the trail, if it existed was days old. The more he thought about it, the more the utter futility of the task before him slammed against the walls of his seeming equanimity. The mental and empathic link that existed between them had been shut down hard; either Zane had been killed outright in a violent manner, or she had removed the chess piece amulet that had allowed their communication. Jon thought about that - either she had died without any warning, or she had removed the link herself. If she had died, then there was no point to searching; if she had destroyed the link herself, then she had - for whatever reason - did not want Jon to know what she was doing, nor to be able to find her.

Kaneka returns from dropping off the vials to Tera. She half expected Jon to be gone. She nearly smiled when she saw him still there. Approaching his bedside once again, she looked down at him. "Alright, Jon. When you're ready".

"I am ready now," replied Jon. He watched with a barely concealed impatience while Kanaka made with the "white mice and pixie dust" routine, opening a teleportation portal to Dalaran. Jon stepped through, and felt his gorge rise... however convenient, his body did not like teleportation. Kaneka joined him, and closed the portal, leaving the two of them in Dalaran. Together, they made their way to the house of Phredaria, Jon's friend and colleague.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Get To Know Jon - the TL;DR Way

Get To Know Jon - the TL;DR Way

Main Character Name: That would seem to be a straightforward question, wouldn't it - but Jon is kind of fluid with identities. Jon was born Jonathan Springvale, ostensibly the son of Commander Springvale and his wife, but Commander Springvale was not Jon's actual father; when Jon was born, he had the silver hair, a genetic trademark of the Silverlaine family.  Jon has no idea if this was acknowledged, as before he was old enough to ask questions, Arugal and his feral Worgen destroyed Pyrewood and killed his family. Jon was sent to the Stormwind orphanage, his parentage unknown.  Elling Trias named him "Chess" because Jon was always planning six moves ahead, usually with paranoid contingencies.  When Jon finished his training at Ravenholdt, he was given a code name for his spying and assassination activities - Rook. Since then, Jon has set up several cover identities, including a Sin'dorei assassin named Dalmilanmdril, a human slaver out of Booty Bay, and an orc bandit named Gnaarl.

Alliance or Horde: Alliance.  He has a particular grudge against the Bilgewater Cartel for their role in destroying Theramore.

Favorite Trade Skill: Jon is a skinner and a leather-worker, but excels in the making of poisons and venoms.

Main Character Hobby: Collecting books.  He has every <Steamy Romance>!

Character Alignment: Neutral Evil.

Orientation: Jon is straight, with a penchant for Ren'dorei

Favorite Drink: Hearthglen Ambrosia or Suramar Spiced Tea

Favorite Food: Jon is all about the cheese!

Favorite IC Activity: Jon sketches and paints when he is not immersed in his latest book acquisition.

Favorite OOC Activity: Jon collects props to use in his RP, and may often be found in BRD, collecting Legal Documents and Forged Documents from the Shadowforge City Vault.

Face Claim: Sean Bean circa SHARPE'S RIFLES

Friday, January 4, 2019

Scout Training - Military Courtesy

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

The fellow people knew as Commander Jon Chess stood at the entrance to the Scout headquarters, waiting for his new recruit to join him, and one other. The Brotherhood of Valor was a mercenary organization, and Jon had already surmised that Macee was... unfamiliar with the concept of military discipline.


Macee ran at top speed toward the den. Paws and claws dug up the earth with evey evey lunge of powerful legs. She was determined to make it there under the ten minute time limit she'd been given. Skidding to a halt before the Commander, she stood, panting. ""

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Let us assume you did; timing is important in all things, but I am of a mind that you could not have made it any faster, at your full running speed. If I had ran, I'd be about three-quarters of the way myself," her Commander responded. "All I ever ask is that my Scouts perform as best as they can while preserving their lives," he explained. "Scouts are not regular soldiers, and I am not a usual officer."


Macee nodded her head. Not sure if she was supposed to be standing at attention or offering a salute to him, she did both. If she was wrong, she knew she'd be told. "Yes'ir."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Very good... so we are going to start with the concept of military courtesy, and why it is actually both useful and important. Let us begin by me asking you what you think of the concept of 'military courtesy' - when I first enlisted in the Alliance reconnaissance scouts, I thought it was the most stupid thing I had ever heard of..."


"Um, givin' respec' ta a'officer wit more rank? Like salutes n'sayin' yessir an' nosir?" She scratched her chin, waiting to see if she was in the least bit right.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Yes, that is a large part of it," Jon confirmed with a nod. "But that is the visbile part of it, and like an iceberg off of Northend, there is a lot more underneath. Most training officers never explain the reasons why, because normal troops are expected to obey without explanation; most regulars are not very educated nor very bright, and mistake an explanation as a request for approval - which it is not. Nor is it with me, but I will quite often explain what we are doing, and require you to ask questions if you do not understand - Scouts are smart, or they don't live very long. "


"Aye. So...yer say'n, iffin' ya give me a mission ta do I ken ask why ya givin' it? Instead'a jus' sayin' Yessir an' runnin' off ta do it?"

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Absolutely - in the field, you need to understand what the target is, and what the desired end result we are seeing is. Scouts operate under very fluid circumstance, and are trusted to take action that accomplishes the mission, if the orders no longer make sense. Success of the mission is the most important thing, with one exception," Jon stressed.


"An' wha' is tha' exception?" She eyed him curiously.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"When the objective is not as important as the life of the Scout. None of my scouts are replaceable. You are finely trained, intelligent, capable of independent action... and more important, are only responsible for responding to orders which come down your chain of command. Which means when another officer tries to give you an order, you may comply if it makes sense, or disregard the order -if you do it the right way - and the right way involved 'military courtesy'"


Macee taps her clawed finger against her snout. "Alrigh'. If that commander of tha' blades...I forget 'is name righ' now...says ta me, ' Macee, I gots a mission for ya ta do' and 'e tells it ta me, but I thin' it migh' git me and maybe...three other people killed, I bring it to ya for 'proval? Or kin I jus' flat ou' say nosir?" She wanted to make absolutely sure she got this down.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Blade-Commander Sebastian, I believe you mean," Jon explained. "Blade-Commander Sebastian commands the Blades. He does not command the scouts, but the Scouts will almost always co-operate with the regular soldiers; one of our most important functions is to get Seb the information he needs to do his job, and one of his most important jobs is to keep his command safe and operational. So, if he gave a command, you have several options, but all of them must be exercised with both respect and discretion; if you ever find yourself in that position, you may say 'With respect, Blade-Commander, I would like you to have Commander Chess confirm that order' - which means 'Are you nuts?', or you can say 'Commander Chess has given me an order which would prevent me from obeying your order, sir - please consult with him' - which means 'I have orders to not get myself killed pointlessly'." Jon chuckled. "And you must be polite about it, because no officer likes to be told 'No'. Whenever possible, try and not do it in front of his command. In the Brotherhood f Valor, we keep each other alive, and showing people respect and courtesy keeps bad feelings from developing that will get us all killed."


Macee nodded as he spoke, taking every word into her head. "So, I gotta work on bein' respec'ful. I kin do tha'." Ears drooped a bit, thinking back to earlier and what she said to Kan and she knew she had alot of work to do in the respect department.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"I feel the challenge, Macee - by the way, when its just scouts, call me 'Jon' - it took me a long time to keep my mouth shut. I was told 'Think twice, speak once' - although in my case it often was more 'Think three times, and then shut up anyways'" Jon grinned at her.
"Oh, ansd OG - General Ogrimskar - is the top of our chain of command - we do not ever tell him know... but if we need to, we can say 'Yessir, but I have a question...". That takes a lot of practice to do it well, though - we can get you used to that as an exercise another time"


Head nods rapidly, pieces of mud raining down to the ground. " Jon."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Ok, now... we'll talk about military courtesy later, maybe I'll practice giving you some stupid orders and let you answer "Shove it up your bum" in the language of military courtesy. What do you say to some hide and seek - I'll hide, you tag me, you win? Oh, and what kind of training rewards would you like? Chocolate? Meat? Alcohol? Winning should always mean something, right?"


Macee nods. "Alrigh'. I coul' go fer some 'ide an' seek!" Shoulder shrugged. "I dunno wha' kinda reward. Guess I dun nee' one really."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"How about if you catch me before I reach the Blue Raven, I will teach you how to treat poisons? Its the traditional first step, after all..." Jon said, chuckling.


A wolfish grin (get it!) curled her lips around her teeth. "Oh aye, I'll catch ya!" Before he can move, she steps toward him, taking in a deep inhale of his scent.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

Jon took a step back, and disappeared in a gout of thick,black smoke. His voice came from all around and yet nowhere. "An Arokkoa Shadow cantrip for entering the Shadows, and a small smoke grenade with powdered crystals of ground cat urine... very useful for throwing off scent!"


Macee yelps and snorts, the powered urine got into her nose!! Howling and dropping to all fours, she takes off in a full run toward the Raven. During her run, she snorts in a attempt to clear her nose. Tearing through the brush, she comes to stop, stands and...listens. Ears swivel on her head trying to pick up any sounds he may make...the sound of him breathing, the creak of his leathers, the snap of an errant twig.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

Her diligent silence was rewarded when she heard a sound off to the left and slightly ahead. She knew that sound well, having used the gambit herself - he had thrown a stone to decoy her!


With that wolfish grin again on her lips again, she dropped to all fours and started toward the sound. Slowly...slowly. Then she vanished. She could hide in the shadows too! Using powerful legs, she launched herself into a tree as quietly as she could. Though she be Worgen, she had the grace of a cat! From her shadows, she watched. She wasn't going to fall for that trick. She waited to see, eyes trained on the grass.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

Jon moved through the shadows with an exquisitely frustrating slowness. Having temporarily disabled her ability to track via scent - a trick from when his phobia about the slavering jaws and rending claws that had made him an orphan could make him easy prey for Worgen - he had thought to decoy her by the trite, hidebound trick of throwing a rock to make a distracting noise. Macee was a clever little wolf, and would seek for Jon anywhere but where he had apparently tried to decoy her - and so that direction was the one place she would not look for him.


Head cants to the side, ears swiveling toward the ground. Eyes squinted and she watched. There! The blades of grass flattened as if being stepped on. Silently, she slid out onto a branch, making sure to test its ability to hold her weight. She would pause here and watch for a following squish of grass, a clear indication of someone walking.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

Jon kept his eyes moving in a wide arc, listening for any telltale sound that might give him an indication of where his stalker was currently located. He passed from trunk to trunk, being careful to not move to swiftly. he had debated finding a concealed spot and waiting for her to lead him to the tavern - and then sneaking inside when she looked inside - but while not forbidden, it certainly violated the spirit of the game, and while Jon had no scruple about cheating when on a mission, he tried to be scrupulously honest when not.


She decided to try the trick too. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a single copper coin. Giving it a toss to her right, she aims for a nearby bush just to her right. Then, she listens.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

Jon heard the sound of the falling coin, and grinned. From the sound, Jon thought it to be one of those old Vykril coppers from Northrend - Jon had far too much experience in being able to distinguish between the sound of coins in the dark ((Yeah, I know, its a little ridiculous, but I keep seeing Daffy Duck dressed n Jon's clothes, saying "...yes, but I'm a GREEDY little coward!")). Also, it had fallen slowly, with a minimum of sound, as if it was dropped from a great height, and nearby - a coin thrown from a distance would have more velocity. Macee had seen through his ruse! Time for another smoke grenade! Jon armed and deployed it forward, moving through it, sprinting without subtlety, hoping that the surprise would be enough to give him a lead.


Holding her breath, she launched herself from the branch right into his smoke grenade. Ha! There he was! She ran parallel to him, still holding onto her shadows. She didn't let the chase continue for long. With a springing of her legs, her body shot toward his back. When in grabbing distance, she dropped both her shadows and Worgen form...cause something deep down told her that he would NOT like being tackled by her wolf. With the momentum of her leap, hands gained a grip on his back and they rolled with her tackle.

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

Jon felt himself be tagged and brought down, and he twisted, controlling their fall so that they hit the ground with Jon cushioning her fall, taking the brunt of the impacted, laughing as they rolled over once, twice... and then Macee, having regained her human aspect, sat atop Jon's chest, her human weight pinning him. "Miss Macee, this is so sudden!" Jon said in a high-pitched voice, flirting outrageously. "I usually make a lady buy me dinner first before a roll!" As she climbed off him, happy with her victory, Jon continued in his normal voice. "Changing form in mid-tackle was very interesting... either the sudden increase in mass, or the sudden decrease, really throws the prey off-balance. Very clever!"


Macee stands, throwing her fists into the air, she was more than happy! "Woo! Yeah!" She parades around in a small circle before bending and resting her hands on her thighs. Turning her head, she smiles at Jon as she attempted to catch her breath. "Tha's wha' I do when I'm out huntin'. Bucks dun know wha' to do. They 'ear tha' wolf, then are hit by a girl. Plus, I didna' wanna crush ya."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"I cannot help but appreciate that," Jon admitted. "So... you have a room, yes? And you've met Vallara. How are you doing in terms of weapons, armor and equipment?"


"I dunna thin' I've met Vallara, tho' iffin' she's tha' woman who runs tha' kitchen...she can'no be real 'appy with me righ' now. I been sleepin' on one'a them chairs in the dens main 'all. That Gol'gears fellas pret'y nice. As far as tha' other stuff...I'm fine. I been pickin' up armor 'ere and there." She stands, slapping hands against her leathers. "Jus' gotta wash 'em is all."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Met LacLear, have you? I confess, I have a weakness for playing with his toys... well, to the point - if you need leathers, I am quite skilled making cuir boli armor - almost as hard as metal, and about half the weight. We have some excellent blacksmiths as well, and so forth - you let me know what you need, and I'll requisition it for you," Jon said. "While it is important that you use whatever arms and armor with which you are most familiar and comfortable, it is also important that you have the best of quality available."


"Than' ya. I'll keep tha' in mind." Scratching her head she looks at him. "So, I guess I shoul' be gettin' ta tha' kitcn' fore I get a beatin'. Was tol' that the lady would beat me within'a inch'a me life iffin' I didn' clean tha' mud."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"She is not allowed to even beat Pharsalos, the kitchen wretch," Jon chuckled. "She barks pretty loudly, but she's been hard-used. I found her bartending with a slave collar on in the Grim Guzzler in Shadowforge City, so I traded her owner for her papers and freed her, and then took her back to Ironforge. She was coming here anyways, so I offered her the job of cook and bartender at the Blue Raven."


"Still...I dun wanna make anymore enemies today." Hands slip into the pockets of her pants. "I'll jus' clean up afta m'self then 'ead back to tha' den iffin' tha's alright."

Cdr. Chess/Vallara/+more

"Of course it is - you get to do whatever you want when you are off-duty," confirmed Jon. "But you are entitled to billet space at the Blue Raven, although to be honest I didn't use my own room there - I always feel nervous sleeping where people expect me to to be..."


Macee nods. "Alrigh'. I'm jus' gonna do this las' thin' then I'm gonna 'ead bac'ta then den."

Lobsterback (02)

  Elisabeta MacTavish The fellow most knew as Jon Chess settled into the comfortable over-stuffed leather chair in his wife's study in B...